MdS Virtual Expo January 2021

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Precision Hydration

Precision Hydration usually Sweat Test runners attending the MdS Expo to personalise their hydration strategy. Sadly that's not an option this year, but they can still help you nail your desert hydration strategy remotely. 

You can book a free video call to discuss your hydration and nutrition strategy with their experts, take their online Sweat Test to get a plan to test in training and save on electrolytes that match how you sweat. Explore their virtual booth for more info, or email to get started!


James Phillips
James Phillips Head of Customer Support Precision Hydration
Greg Thew
Greg Thew Customer Service Specialist Precision Hydration
Abby Coleman
Abby Coleman Sports Scientist Precision Hydration
Andy Blow
Andy Blow Co-Founder Precision Hydration
Jonny Tye
Jonny Tye Co-Founder Precision Hydration
Dave Colley
Dave Colley Marketing Director Precision Hydration